KEENA - Snowman (cover)
KEENA - Snowman (cover)
- Скачано: 88
- Размер MP3: 6.31
- Длительность MP3: 2:44
- Качество MP3: 320 kbps, Stereo
- Дата релиза: 26-12-2023, 05:51
on't cry, snowman, not in front of me
Who'll catch your tears if you can't catch me, darling?
If you can't catch me, darling
Don't cry, snowman, don't leave me this way
A puddle of water can't hold me close, baby
Who'll catch your tears if you can't catch me, darling?
If you can't catch me, darling
Don't cry, snowman, don't leave me this way
A puddle of water can't hold me close, baby