Скачать песню The Pharcyde - Passin Me By бесплатно, или слушать онлайн. Качество: 256 kbps, Размер: 8.28, Длина: 4:31.
  • Скачано: 1438
  • Размер MP3: 8.28
  • Длительность MP3: 4:31
  • Качество MP3: 256 kbps, Stereo
  • Дата релиза: 29-05-2023, 16:53
Now in my younger days, I used to sport a shag
When I went to school, I carried lunch in a bag
With a apple for my teacher 'cause I knew I'd get a kiss
Always got mad when the class was dismissed
But when it was in session, I always had a question
I would raise my hand to make her stagger to my desk and
Help me with my problem, it was never much
Just a trick to smell her scent and try to sneak a touch
Oh, how I wish I could hold her hand and give her a hug